Wednesday, 4 December 2013

7 Rules of Motivation

1. Set a major goal, but follow a path.

2. Finish what you start.

3. Socialize with others of similar interest.

4. Learn how to learn.

5. Harmonize natural talent with interest that motivates.

6. Increase knowledge of subjects that inspires.

7. Take risk

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Sasaran baharu Maznah

KUALA LUMPUR 4 Sept. Syarikat kawalan keselamatan tempatan bertaraf dunia, Securiforce Sdn. Bhd., (Kumpulan Securiforce) merancang meluaskan empayar perniagaannya ke Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan negara-negara Eropah tidak lama lagi.

Perluasan ke negara-negara itu yang akan dilakukan dengan rakan kongsi asing melibatkan bidang logistik dan perkhidmatan penghantaran kargo.

Ketika ini, Securiforce beroperasi sepenuhnya di Singapura, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Korea, Indonesia dan Turki selain mempunyai pejabat perwakilan di Jerman, United Kingdom dan AS.

Pengerusi Eksekutif Kumpulannya, Datuk Maznah Hamid berkata, pihaknya dalam proses mengenal pasti rakan kongsi berpotensi di AS dan negara negara Eropah.

Jelas Maznah, hasrat tersebut wujud di atas keinginan menyahut cabaran pelanggan untuk memberikan perkhidmatan logistik secara menyeluruh ke seluruh dunia.

Securiforce dengan kerjasama Perbadanan Pembangunan Perdagangan Luar Malaysia (Matrade) sentiasa mengintai peluang untuk meneroka bidang perniagaan logistik di luar negara.

Pembukaan operasi di luar negara diutamakan di negara-negara yang terdapat syarikat-syarikat dari Malaysia yang menjalankan operasi perniagaan di sana,’’ katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini.

Securiforce ditubuhkan pada 1981 dan kini mempunyai 5,000 kakitangan termasuk 4,000 pengawal keselamatan.
Syarikat itu kini mempunyai 65 buah cawangan di dalam dan di luar negara dengan 60 peratus profil pelanggan adalah institusi kewangan diikuti syarikat-syarikat multinasional dari AS dan Eropah, kediaman kenamaan (VIP) dan pejabat kedutaan asing.

Syarikat berkenaan juga berpengalaman dalam memberi perkhidmatan logistik dan pengangkutan kepada lebih 30 syarikat multinasional yang beroperasi di Malaysia.

Securiforce juga mempunyai gudang penyimpanan yang mempunyai sistem keselamatan berteknologi tinggi di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA), Pulau Pinang, Singapura dan Thailand yang kerap kali digunakan para pelanggan.

Maznah menambah, bagi menjayakan hasrat untuk melebarkan perniagaan di AS dan negara-negara Eropah, pihaknya kini dalam proses meneliti prospek dan kajian kebolehlaksanaan (feasibility) perniagaan di negara terbabit.

Kumpulan Securiforce mahu membuktikan bahawa syarikat Malaysia juga berkeupayaan untuk bersaing di peringkat sejagat selain memastikan usaha itu mewujudkan situasi menang-menang,’’ ujarnya.

Menurut Maznah, Securiforce adalah syarikat bumiputera tunggal di Malaysia dan di Asia menawarkan khidmat logistik keselamatan bersepadu kepada pengeluar barangan elektronik bernilai tinggi di sejak tahun 1994.

Securiforce turut menawarkan perkhidmatan pengangkutan barangan bernilai tinggi yang menggunakan lori kalis peluru (Armoured Truck) yang dilengkapi dengan pengawal bersenjata api, GPS, sistem penggera dan sistem pengunci elektronik,’’ katanya.

Mengulas lanjut Maznah berkata, Securiforce juga menyediakan sistem kawalan keselamatan elektronik berkomputer dan membekal serta menjual peralatan keselamatan seperti kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) dan membina kenderaan kalis peluru sendiri.

Beliau menambah, Emiriyah Arab Bersatu (UAE) menyatakan minat untuk mendapatkan sistem keselamatan yang ditawarkan syarikatnya dan permintaan itu masih di peringkat pertimbangan.

‘’Kami perlu lebih berhati-hati dalam menjalankan perniagaan di Asia Barat dan perlu menilai terma serta syarat yang akan dikenakan.

Selain itu, kajian sikap dan tanggungjawab rakan niaga di UAE perlu bagi menjamin kestabilan perniagaan Securiforce di negara tersebut,’’ ujarnya.

Ditanya sama ada syarikat itu berminat mengapungkan sahamnya di Bursa Malaysia, Maznah berkata, mengikut keupayaan, Securiforce layak disenaraikan ke Papan Utama Bursa Malaysia.

Bagaimanapun, kata beliau, ia tidak dilakukan untuk menjamin perniagaan warisan keluarga itu.

By Azman Ibrahim
Retrieved from:

Video- Profile Datuk Maznah Hamid 2013

4 things we can learn from Datuk Maznah, owner of Securiforce!

Datuk Maznah Hamid is a force to be reckoned with. She definitely is Malaysia’s iron lady in the business world.

She has taking a deep plunge that no one would and live through slums before coming out of it. She is the owner of the nationwide recognized security company, “Securiforce”.
Today she owns multiple successful businesses. She is a very generous person and is always sharing her success with the public and the younger generation.
Here are what we can learn from this iron lady:
 1. Women is not a weakness!.
Datuk Maznah is a woman, and look where she is now. Woman can never use the excuse that being a woman is a weakness to not make it big in the business world. Datuk Maznah is the living prove of a how a woman can be successful in the business world. Never doubt yourself!. She is now a boss to over 4000 male workers and is among the leader of a business highly dominated by men
 2. Money is not an obstacle.
Do not give the excuse that no money means you can’t do business. Datuk Maznah believe anyone can start a business with a small capital and persevere to make it grow. She started her business with only RM5000 which is all her hard earned savings, which is quite a large gamble. Gathering experience and exposure is important.
 3. Don’t run away from challenges.
Every obstacle we met we should face it. Life is tough, there is no escape. Datuk Maznah treats challenges as a motivational drive, instead of an excuse to run. She even gave birth to one of her daughter in a slum without proper facilities.  Ever since then she decide to take up the challenges and face it for her families future. Go by this saying “Whatever that doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger”.
 4. Improvise.
We should always improvise when it comes to business. Improvise to save the business in its dying times. Datuk Maznah face the problem of having not enough cash to pay her workers salary, she instead offer to cook meals for them. When the company started earning money, she paid them all back with the appropriate amount. In one of the dying times, she herself even became a night-shift guard. Determination is another key, if there is a will there is a way.

Reinstate entrepreneur ministry

KUALA LUMPUR: A businesswoman has called on the government to reinstate the Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development Ministry, abolished in 2009, to ensure the welfare of entrepreneurs were not abandoned.
Securiforce executive chairman Datuk Dr Maznah Hamid said the abolishing of the ministry led to several other ministries absorbing the duties but "clear and coherent organisational skills were lacking".
"I have been running entrepreneurial workshops on a weekly and monthly basis since 2009.
"And these workshops have shown that it is difficult to get things done as the departments dealing with entrepreneurial matters are handled by several ministries," she said in the wake of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's upcoming cabinet line-up.
Maznah, who has been running her security company for over 30 years, said budding entrepreneurs needed a proper platform and this was possible with the reinstatement of the ministry.
"Agencies such as PNS (Perbadanan Nasional Berhad) and Tekun (Entrepreneur Group Economic Fund) can be better managed if they are placed under one single ministry.
"This will also mean less operational costs for the ministry," she said here yesterday.

New Straits Times 14 May 2013
Retrieved from:

Thursday, 17 October 2013

The 10 Myths of Entrepreneurship

Myths 1: Entrepreneurs are doers, not thinkers
- In reality, although entrepreneurs are action oriented but they are also thinkers.
- They always have alternative plans & actions towards if his/ her original plan fails.
- They make their moves carefully and think deeply when making decision.

Myths 2: Entrepreneurs are born, not made
- This myths mean that characteristics of entrepreneurs cannot be taught or learned.
- In reality, entrepreneurship has models, processes and case studies that allow traits to be acquired through learning.
- Research has proven that entrepreneurs can be produced and taught. It is not limited to certain family, race or individuals.

Myths 3:  Entrepreneurs are always inventors
- Many successful entrepreneurs are not inventors, but they use creative ideas in doing something.
- They will modify & innovate ideas to suit the market demand.

Myths 4: Entrepreneurs are academic & social misfits
- It is result from people who have started successful enterprise after dropping out of school or quitting a job.
- In reality, entrepreneurs are viewed as heroes. They excel socially, economically and academically. They must have excellent communication skills and strives in economic development of community.

Myths 5: Entrepreneurs must fit the "profit"
- It is not necessary for individuals to have ALL the characteristics to become a successful entrepreneur.

Myths 6: All entrepreneurs need is money
- Every business venture need capital to survive. But in reality, money does not guarantee success.
- Entrepreneurs have to deal with other problem such as managerial incompetence, lack of financial understanding, poor investment, poor planning and others. So, for entrepreneurs, money is only a resource but not the ultimate objective. 

Myths 7: All entrepreneurs need is luck
- Being in the right place at the right time is always an advantage. But "luck" happens when preparation meets opportunity.

Myths 8: Ignorance is bliss for an entrepreneur
- In the competition world of business which demanded detailed planning and preparation, entrepreneur should be equipped with solid knowledge and strategies, which would be key to success.

Myths 9: Entrepreneurs seek success but experience high failure rates
- It is not true that many entrepreneurs suffer failure before they are successful.
- But failure can teach many lesson to those who are willing to learn and failure often leads to future success.

Myths 10: Entrepreneurs are extreme risk takers (gamblers)
- The concept of risk is a major element in the entrepreneurship process.
- most successful entrepreneurs work hard through planning and preparation to minimize the risk involved.